Some kids had The Never Ending Story. Some had The Princess Bride. For us there was only ever one dark, twisted fantasy of a childhood movie – The Dark Crystal. Filled with mystics, witches, soul-draining methods of torture and that’s before we even get to those wicked skeksis. Literally still having nightmares about those motherfuckers.
The Anniversary Edition is available now on Blu-Ray & DVD. It comes packed with extras like bonus documentaries, deleted scenes and a 30 page glossy booklet all about its legacy.
To celebrate the release, we have a copy to give away. To win, YOU MUST LIVE IN THE UK and email Michael@LoverboyMagazine.com with your address and the answer to this question. Who are the villains in The Dark Crystal?
A) Big Foot
B) The Spice Girls
C) The Skeksis
The Dark Crystal: Anniversary Edition 4K Ultra HD is out now on Blu-Ray & DVD.