"I’m quite proud of the moment I realized I could crush up oreo cookies into a powder & use it to create a classic 'smokey eye'"
We at Loverboy know y’all love Buffy, amirite? You may know Tom Lenk as Andrew Wells from Buffy. Or from his appearances in such TV gold as Bones, Witches of East End or Transparent. But what Tom is doing now just has Loverboy’s lil heart all a flutter with fashun (sic) luv. Michael Turnbull asked all the right red carpet question about Tom’s latest genius, #LenkLewkForLess.
Hey Tom, your CV is pretty varied and right now you are having, what Mariah would call, a ‘moment’, with your #LenkLewkForLess series. How did the series come about?
Well after returning from filming an ep of Transparent, I was inspired to just start doing shit that made me laugh and did this reenactment of a Viagra commercial and was able to find almost the same dress the woman was wearing at Ross Dress For Less (there was an even closer match but it was $20 and I have a $14.99 maximum at Ross Dress For Less because Lenk Lewk For Less is all about Low Price and Low Expectations). And then I was making costumes out of stuff around the house for a Huntsman: Winter’s War reenactment I wanted to do and then the Met Gala pictures started going up and I thought…hmm this Mylar safety blanket I was turning into the Ice Queen’s dress looks like EVERY dress on the red carpet and then it just spiraled out of control from there.
Who was the first?
I think I made the Solange dress first because I loved how it looked like a cupcake wrapper/tissue paper accordion-like circular pinwheel party decorations.
Who has been your favourite look so far?
Perhaps Sarah Jessica Pasta? I was determined to make an entirely edible LEWK and I’m quite proud of the moment I realized I could crush up oreo cookies into a powder and use it to create a classic “smokey eye.”
Which ingredient/material have you been proudest of using?
I thought the corkscrew on The Katy Perry Everything In The Junk Drawer necklace was a really nice touch. It’s important to thoughtfully accessorize when styling your runway LEWK. I was also really excited about the functioning water hose as part of Julianne Moore’s LEWK, and the fact that I accidentally photographed my golden retriever lapping up the fountain-like spray of water as I was posing made me HOOOWLLL with laughter.
What do you make of the way it has gone viral?
It’s wonderful! I love that I’m able to spread my message of working less and WERKING more, and it’s great to have an online community that appreciates runway FASHUN at affordable prices.
Where do you see it progressing to?
Clearly I have to release a FASHUN LINE!!! I’d love to do a coffee table/humor book and it’s about God Damn time I have my own show don’t you think? LESS shows about tiny houses and MORE shows about HAUS of LENK. BBC are you ready for the LENK LEWK?!
What’s coming up for you in 2016?
I’ve got the Tony’s coming up and then Grammys, Emmys, Oscars will be here before you know it. It’s just going to be WERK WERK WERK in my studio. Pray for my HAWT GLEW GUHN.
It will come as no surprise that we are massive Buffy fans. What was your favourite episode of the show both to watch and to work on?
‘Storyteller’. Greatest episode of television of all time ever in the history of filmed programming! NEXT QUESTION!
And why?
Do you still see any of the cast?
Of course! In fact, be sure to watch Eliza D and me in our VIRAL HIT, HUNTSMAN WYNTOUR’S WORE.
And to bring it back to Mariah. We are named after one of her songs. What is your favourite Mariah song (or story) and why?
Her drunken? shenanigans on the HOME SHOPPING network are by far my favorite. Also her MTV cribs episode is LEGENDARY. I remember being both ironically and non-ironically obsessed with the Honey video. I mean the jet skis. Too much and yet NOT ENOUGH. Always demand MOAR from MARIAH.