"The secret schtick of The Potentials is that when we talk about vamps, we really mean the patriarchy"
There are many glorious queercore bands out there. There are many glorious tribute bands out there. (zomg do we love a tribute band). And then there are The Potentials. Strictly speaking a concept band, The Potentials are Buffcore: a group that is dedicated to exploring and celebrating the world of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and using Buffy to smash the patriarchy. Loverboy’s resident vampirologist (not really) Fallon Gold chatted with Holly, Zak and Shahnaz about their concept, recent tour, new album, the upcoming Halloween treat that is Slayerfest and, of course, vampires.
Some people might not be able to wrap their heads around what a Buffy concept band entails. Can you enlighten?
Holly: We all love Buffy a massive amount and we’re all active in the diy scene playing in bands, djing, making zines, making art, putting on shows, so we see our daft concept punk band as being totally linked to diy and queer stuff. There’s always been concept punk bands and we look to bands like Harry and the Potters, F Emasculata, Pokemon Liberation Army, The Home Alones, Whatevers etc who operate in diy scenes and write songs about pop culture.
Zak: A Buffy concept band is 3 mates who write songs about Buffy, but much like the show, they’re all about real life stuff. So you kinda get the best of both worlds: songs about shit that happens to us and our mates in daily life, but also songs about Moloch and Buffy and Clem!
Shahnaz: We’re just a band who sing about stuff we know, and we know Buffy.
With The Potentials Theme you surely need your own show, right?
Holly: We need a time machine to take us back to when Buffy was on telly and get us a cameo at The Bronze.
Zak: Show, movie, everything! Our mate Jack Fallows did AMAZING artwork for our new CD and it looks like a comic, so the comic may come first (and won’t be shit like the cannon Buffy comics).
Shahnaz: I’m all about the rebellion and disorder of bands who had TV shows, we’d be in the company of The Monkees, North & South, PJ & Duncan, S Club 7 and many more I’m sure.
And if you do, then there will inevitably be a The Potentials tribute band…
Holly: We would issue a cease and desist immediately
Zak: I kinda figure we would play our own tribute band? But like a really extreme version of ourselves. Like The Potentials meets Merzbow. I’d pay to see that.
But, wait, vampires are great, right?
Holly: Some are. Harmony as a vampire is pretty great. She loves unicorns.
Zak: Yup, Harmony is AMAZING. Darla is cool, Sunday is cool. But much like real life, most of the dude vampires suck. Including Spike.
Shahnaz: Oh yeah totally, but the secret schtick of The Potentials is that when we talk about vamps, we really mean the patriarchy. Allies and female vamps have got nothing to fear. Angel and his benevolent sexism had better do one, sharpish.
You recently embarked on The Sick Sad World tour – how was that? Do any national slaying?
Holly: It was the most fun ever and I think I’m still on a post-tour comedown. We played every night with Whatevers and FOMO, two bands we utterly love with all our hearts. We met some amazing Buffy fans on tour and had big chats about the show and politics and coming out as queer when Willow did.
Zak: It was SO fun! Tour is always a blast, and this year was no exception. Travelling round with the best people and playing shows every night and getting to see loads of different places/pets/venues/people is amazing! So so much fun. Also really nice to connect with other queer bands and promoters around the UK, feels nice to hang out with other fag punx. Makes everything seem less lonely!
Shahnaz: As a person who can’t stand being around other people, I still had an amazing time on tour and loved everyone we toured with.
Zak, I once heard a rumour that you were starting a Lindsay Lohan tribute band – is that true? If so, can I be your #1 fangirl?
Zak: Pink Tip (the official LiLo tribute band) is DEFINITELY still happening. In fact, all approached members of it are currently in End Men together, so we need to just get ourselves sorted and get some practice in! Wanna do LiLo proud!!!
Who are some of your fave queercore glories right now?
Holly: Kinky, Jesus and His Judgmental Father, FOMO, No Ditching, End Men, Spook School, Screaming Toenail, You Made It Weird.
Zak: As above, so below! Plus G.L.O.S.S., Joyless Fucking (R.I.P.), Wolf Girl, Campy Shy, DK4 (R.I.P…. maybe?) and Faggot! Plus a million more we probz forgot, sorry!
Shahnaz: Jules Glegg, the legend who introduced me to Mystery Science Theatre 3000
Tell us about Slayerfest
Holly: Slayerfest is our annual Buffy themed Halloween event where we aren’t the novelty band on a bill! We get together our favourite diy queer bands, celebrate our love for Buffy, dress up as Buffy characters/monsters, and there’s a chance to win a class protector award and everything.
Zak: I had to submit a pitch to the venue for this recently and I ended up writing that it’s kinda like our version of an AGM. Haha. Definitely seems like that, it’s a bit ol’ party with all our mates, at the best time of year, time to celebrate and have some fun. This year we have The Spook School, Jesus and His Judgmental Father, Fight Rosa Fight, You Made It Weird, and Goosebump Baby playing! It’s at DIY Space for London, and it’s gonna be AMAZING!
What’s next for The Potentials?
Holly: We’re hopefully getting the call from Hayley any day now inviting us on next year’s Parahoy Cruise. Oh and an album.
Zak: Dream? Parahoy. Reality? Album. Then Parahoy.
Shahnaz: I don’t know about The Potentials, but I need my 12 hours of sleep. And then Parahoy.
What’s your favourite Mariah Carey song?
Holly: All I want for Christmas
Zak: I’m a sucker for the hits, so Mariah would be Fantasy. However I’m obvs obsessed with Whitney so When You Believe would be my main choice I reckon.
Shahnaz: HEARTBREAKER! What?! YES! It’s literally my all-time biggest earworm. Once I hear it, it’s in my head for months. It’s got the BEST video because Jerry O’Connell from Sliders is in it. THERE IS A MARIAH VS MARIAH FIGHT SCENE. Her makeup and outfit are MY DREAM and when I was first getting to know my first proper partner, I tipped my drink in his crotch just like she does to Jerry. We didn’t speak for 6 months after. It was magical. Oh and Fantasy is good too.
Buy We Are The Potentials released by Keroleen Records
Get Tickets to Slayerfest
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