"When Aja jumped off that box into a death drop, I could just tell Shangela's knees were shaking."
Oooooohh girls! This is it! My engines are started! Let’s dive in shall we? The season of All Stars 3 begins
with Hall of Famers, Alaska and Chad, featured in a fun skit that sets the tone for this season. While I’m
not entirely sure about the theme of The Handmaid’s Tale, what I do know is it is opressive and dark.
Foreshadowing maybe? Something tells me this season is gonna be vicious.
So, then we move on to the entrances, and first is none other than the winn- I mean Trixie Mattel. “No
one is in here, it’s like a Morgan McMichaels meet-n-greet.” These queen entrances are all cute, but let’s
cut to the chase; why is everyone coming for Ben De La Creme so soon? They’re all saying she has
disappeared but Miss Thing has been putting on her own stage shows and turning it out since she left
drag race. “Recycled look,” says Morgan. What’s really recycled is Shangela’s box trick. Can’t you come
up with somethin’ else? But what I did like was how Milk described her character, as a “HalleLOONATIC”.
After the queens meet and greet each other, in comes Mother Ru! Looking fire in a hot red suit, like a Big
Red, I just want to chew her up and spit her out. “Looks like all the hookers are here”, she says. Yeah,
well… except for Tegan. But this queen isn’t just here for show, she’s here to introduce the mysteriously
eluded 10th queen. Are you ready to know who it is? Are you anticipating? Have you been praying every
night that it’s Jasmine Masters? Have you taken your prep today? Well, it’s Bebe Zahara Benet. Here’s
my tea: she already won. Season 1, also known as the forgotton season, but she still won nonetheless.
There are rumors floating about that she is a double agent planted in to stir the pot and keep the girls
shaking, so we will see. And I’m not mad they casted her, but Nina should have been Blac Chyna.
Now, starting off this season opening the library was a genius executive decision. This is probably the
most important mini-challenge of every season, and some of the kids watching could definitely learn a
thing or two from the professionals about reading. And for the record; Ben De La Creme deserved. But
let’s give credit for Bebe’s, “I don’t need to read Morgan McMichaels, life already has.”
The first challenge of the season: a talent show. Okay I can work with this, but as Thorgy said, everyone
is just going to perform to their own songs. Seeing a drag queen play violin, or whatever that thing Trixie
plays, will be a breathe of fresh air. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Starting with Shhhangela… This performance is very “Shangela”, so I think she executed the challenge
and is safe; Bebe came out looking like she was ready to set the stage, and she did. Her number was
amazing, and really transferred some energy in me; Thorgy and her violin. She starts off slow, but then
picks up to a fun beat, which apparently was “Sissy that walk”, but I didn’t hear it; Aja purely killed this
challenge. I was extremely impressed by how much she has improved overall, style, performance, stage
presence. She woke up, and when she jumped off that box into a death drop, I could just tell Shangela’s
knees were shaking. Good for her. Kennedy prepared for take off and landed in a split. I was hoping for a
little bit more, but it was still an impressive show; The standout of the night was Dela; her number was
genius. One of the cleverest things I have seen on this show in a long time. She deserved.
ChiChi’s performance was cool, it was good to see a little baton flair, but the look should have read more
Prancing Elites than highschool regionals. Maybe a few more rehearsals; Morgan McMichaels rhymed
“four” with “whore” and “chicks” with “dicks”…And on to Trixie playing that thing, performing her song
“Moving Parts”, which is probably on iTunes and Spotify. This song is very romantic, I could definitely see
me and my lover having an intimate moment under the stars, crying to this song.
Ok, so the phrase goes “save the best for last.” Let’s ask Wendy, who was this the best? Well, it was a cute
performance, and would have worked if this wasn’t AllStars. But, Milk’s attitude is seemingly a little spoiled
so far, so for me, the overall gig was curtled.. The only thing I wish happened, is that they put Willam on
this season just so she could come out and use someone else’s credit card to buy shoes for her talent.
Now, we love a good runway. We love a good competition. But what we really love is a good assesment
from the judges. This season we have the old formula where the two tops lipsync to send one of the two
bottoms packing. The judgements were all fair and not too critical, but keep in mind this is just the first
episode. In my opinion, the top two were deserved but the bottom two should have been Milk and
Morgan, for reasons previously stated. But we follow through with Ru’s choice, and accept the outcomes
like grown adults.
The little discussion they have in the untucked lounge (I still miss the old format), gets kind of heated.
Earlier, we heard Morgan flat-out say she was going to send home the stronger competitor. Bad move.
She is not playing the game right with her oversharing of this strategy. The debate is Morgan versus
ChiChi, and in this case ChiChi deserves to stay. Yes, Morgan hasn’t been on since Season 2, but she
also has been around more. It’s more appropriate to see what else ChiChi has to offer and let Morgan
simmer on the sidelines. And besides, if she were to stay, she would send home anyone she thought she
couldn’t beat. So, see you at the reunion queen.
The lipsync for your legacy/life is probably the most anticipated moment of the night for everyone. In fact
it’s so popular, it went on to inspire a show called “Lipsync Battle”. Tonight’s competitors were Aja and
Ben De La Creme, two outstanding performers. The minute I heard “My anaconda don’t…” I prayed it
wasn’t Nicki, but it was Nicki. Both artists had their own approach to the song with Aja’s being more “slay
the house down” and Ben De La Creme more, “this song is a joke”, which it is. Both amazing
performances, and agreeably so, Ru chose Dela as tonight’s winner! The queen Dela chose to go home
was, predictably, Morgan McMichaels. I knew Chichi wouldn’t go home when I saw her pull the
(edible?) earring right off of her ear and eat it. Anyway, Morgan’s exit speech was short and bittersweet.
Then to everyone’s surprise, Ru appeared and aluded that the losing queens will be kept for a later
return, much like the last season. Did anyone else notice Chad and Alaska lurking in the back? What do
they have planned?
My overall thoughts are this: this season is gearing up to be one of the most entertaining shows of the
year. We are going to get everything we expect and more from a season of All Stars, and that’s exactly
how it should be. We were very blessed to get another season so soon, too. This show continually opens
discussions and doors for topics that many people don’t even know about. So while it is fun to drag the
queens, let’s remember that overall they are progressing the community in many unseen ways. So enjoy
the show, and stay tuned!