This year, the powers that be have decided the UK will not be allowing the general public to vote for their representative. Wise decision to be fair. Instead Dua Lipa’s management is in charge of who will be scoring nil points in 2022. Meanwhile in our adoptive country of España, controversy has been rife as the public vote aka BenidormFest was held last month amid complaints of rigged voting, allowing Chanel to make it through with her track ‘SloMo’ – itself a watered down version of what Dua does best.
Our favourite entry this year was our beloved Tanzer who travelled from her home country of Australia to San Merino for the international festival to try and represent Italy in Eurovision 2022 with something otherworldly! We have been glued to Tanzer’s Insta stories as we followed her through the competition, risking life and limb in the process, receiving the official response from the San Merino committee and then the joy of seeing her hang out with Drag Race Italia’s Ava Hangar before jetting over to London to perform at our fave The Glory. Experience the journey so far here.
To summarise we are total Tanzer stans and you should totally be checking out her brand new single ‘Fantasy‘ which is like a Donna Summer, Kraftwerk Goldfrapp explosion in outerspace. Tanzer says of the intergalactic visuals: “I am, in fact, a Gemini, and relished the chance to show off my range as both a split personality and master of disguise in this video.”
The track is taken from her upcoming mini album entitled Disco Automatic which lands on Planet Earth on 22nd April and incorporates disco, opera and draaaama daaaahling!