Tag Archives: queer artist

INTRODUCING… DICK DAY! Winner of The Gold Rush!

Hello Dick Day! So straight off the bat, I want to know what made you enter The Gold Rush?  Hello! I entered ‘The Gold Rush’ as I needed a boost and a new challenge in my drag journey. I was feeling a bit under motivated with the amount of opportunities I had going for me in Brighton. I figured it was a good move to have a whack at […]

Iván García

In the latest of our queer artist interviews, Fallon Gold talks with the amazing Iván García What inspires you to create a work of art? Everything! Movies, books, art, comics, pop culture in general, science fiction, horror, science, history, mythology, also my own life and experiences. Ideas come from everywhere you see, watch, read or listen. […]

Quango Leung

In the latest of our interview series with queer artists, Loverboy’s Fallon Gold talks with Quango Leung who has an exhibition of his work coming up this month in Soho, London. What inspires you to create a work of art? My mood determines what I draw and paint. It could be triggered by music or a film. Anything can set […]

Wayne Hollowell

In the latest in our series focusing on queer artists, Loverboy’s Fallon Gold spoke with Wayne Hollowell. Wayne is a prominent part of the queer art movement and queer celebrity art movement. He also made some early films with a certain Rupaul Charles, one of which you can see with your own eyeballs at the […]

Felix d’Eon

Felix d’Eon is an extraordinary artist whose works are joyous, deeply sexy and hugely empowering. He draws inspiration from comic books, mythology, queer culture, and Mexican lottery cards. In the first in a series on queer artists, Loverboy’s Fallon Gold spoke with Felix about his work and how queerness informs it. What inspires you to […]

Introducing…Eric Kostiuk Williams

Although the winter brings us gloom and grey weather, we’ve found a highlight of colour to punch up your January. Having just launched his newest graphic novel, ‘Babybel Wax Bodysuit‘, Toronto based artist Eric Kostiuk Williams dazzles his viewers with a twisted mind melt of queer technicolor bliss, all wrapped up and dripping from paper like […]

La JohnJoseph: Geist

La JohnJoseph is one of those queer performance creatures who defies definition and elusively shapeshifts between artistic mediums and personae entrancing all in their wake. Autobiographic theatre, an award winning novel, opera, electropop: everything that they do reeks of queer art genius and subversive beauty. With a new show, ‘GEIST’, at the Arcola next month, Loverboy’s Fallon Gold […]