Tag Archives: art

Cachorro Lozano in Madrid

Last year we spoke to artist and cat-lover, Cachorro Lozano, about his art and the secret to bushy eyebrows. You can read that here. Cachorro has been busy since then and is now ready to exhibit his latest collection in Madrid. Entitled ‘vacaciones’ it pays tribute to ‘naked men living under and enjoying the sun in […]

Evan Garza speaks with Joe Sinness

For American artist Joe Sinness, realness is the name of the game. His coloured pencil tableaux of plants, portraits, objects and ‘locked pics’ are so carefully and laboriously rendered you would swear they were photographs (even when standing in front of the drawings themselves). As with queer traditions of realness, however, Sinness often tricks the […]

Introducing…Eric Kostiuk Williams

Although the winter brings us gloom and grey weather, we’ve found a highlight of colour to punch up your January. Having just launched his newest graphic novel, ‘Babybel Wax Bodysuit‘, Toronto based artist Eric Kostiuk Williams dazzles his viewers with a twisted mind melt of queer technicolor bliss, all wrapped up and dripping from paper like […]

Introducing…Shalva Nikvashvili

Art is great. It’s even better when it’s for a good cause. So meet Shalva Nikvashvili, an artist from the notoriously un-LGBT friendly country of Georgia who is now creating images of his muse PAMELLA to raise money for Mom’s chemotherapy. Find out more about Shalva, his muse PAMELLA and how you can help his Mom. […]

Anna Laurini

When Jennifer Brough spotted one of her favourite artists working on graffiti in the street she knew she had to tell her what her paintings meant to her. Jenn spoke to Anna Laurini about her work and her new exhibition in Clerkenwell. When did you first start street painting? I started about 3 years ago […]

Introducing…Grande Dame

When Loverboy was fourteen/fifteen, we became obsessed with buying photos of celebrities, you know, promo stills or paparazzi shots. They were always advertised in the back of Sky magazine. Then we moved on to posters – filling every inch of our bedroom walls with images. Then when we were eighteen we discovered the world of […]

Introducing…Tuttii Fruittii

Just as Dorothy entered OZ, you’re now entering the bright and colourful world of TUTTII FRUITTI. This neon caravan in London offers their clients some of the most unbelievable follicular makeovers in the world. Loverboy’s Justin Gray spoke with Tuttii Fruitti about her history, her inspirations and the future of the salon. Can you tell […]

Love is… John Thai

Oh, JOHN THAI, you’re such a naughty man. Creative, sporty and the kind of sexy that will cause you to walk around with a ‘Wet Floor’ sign permanently attached to your pants, Toronto’s John Thai 100% adorable and a perfect fit for ‘Love Is…’. Loverboy’s Justin Gray took the opportunity to speak with this cheeky […]