Every article, review, interview, feature, caption, tweet or MySpace bulletin I have written in the last nine months has opened with something about covid – and I’ve have had it. Officially! I’ve been sub-consciously subduing myself with slinky slow jams, laid-back disco and avoiding anything with a BPM of more than Sade for fear of having nowhere to go and release that angry energy!
But thanks to my friend Frankie, Special Interest have snuck into my inbox and now I am playing lead singer, Alli Logout’s vocals extremely loudly in my cramped apartment at Sunday tea-time and can feel myself giving into the raw, unfiltered, punk, industrial riot vibes. I’m not complaining, although my elderly neighbour in apartment 4-3 may soon well be.
Frankie’s press release was actually about Special Interest’s two new upcoming releases but first I had to travel back and catch up on their latest album, 2020’s The Passion Of first. It’s shouty, intense, uncomfortable, cathartic and, in a year where I have had zero sex…hitting the spot.
Not only is there The Passion Of, but now we have remix album The Passion Of: Remixed coming in January too – with all proceeds going to charity – House of Tulip. Below is the latest track from the project, Boy Harsher’s Remix of Street Pulse Beat.
Pre-order The Passion Of: Remixed via Bandcamp.