Introducing PUSSYLIQUOR, a band made up of five talented young women: Ari (vocalist), Vicky (drummer), Hannah (guitarist), Tallulah (bassist), and Lucy (guitarist).
Describe PUSSYLIQUOR in one word.
Ari: Cunt
Vicky: Banter
Hannah: Mess
Tallulah: Pussyliquor
Lucy: Hot
What do you want people to take away from listening to your music?
Vicky: a venereal disease
Hannah: Feeling like they’re gonna stomp down the street in big boots and a pretty dress… and punch a fascist.
Tallulah: A feeling of empowerment, being like “I can fucking destroy anything – and I’m angry now but in a good way that makes me feel powerful”
Vicky: I think it’s just about being who you want to be, doesn’t always have to be angry.
Ari: I want it to take away all their worries and anxiety. Giving them a place where they can feel happy and take that place wherever they go. We want to take the feeling they get at gigs and keep them re-experiencing that for the rest of their lives.
If you were to play one PUSSYLIQUOR song/music video to entice people – what would you pick?
Vicky & Lucy: ‘Pretty good’ or ‘Apathy’.
Ari: ‘Apathy’! But we haven’t recorded it yet, also ‘Lady Wank’.
Tallulah: ‘Lady Wank’!
Hannah: ‘Kitty Kitty’.
PUSSYLIQUOR’s EP “7” Wonder” is on Spotify and Apple Music!
Would PUSSYLIQUOR be superheroes or supervillains?
Vicky: I think we’re anarchists, like Batman. Maybe a bit of both?
Tallulah: I feel like we’d be villains to some people but heroes to most.
Hannah: Everyone thinks they’re the hero. We’re the vigilantes!
Where does the name Pussyliquor come from?
Tallulah: It’s Vicky’s brainchild, we want a pun and we want something fun. Vicky came to us with a list and ‘Pussyliquor’ was the first one and we didn’t need to hear the rest.
Lucy, as the newest member of PUSSYLIQUOR what has been your favourite part of being in the band?
Lucy: Choosing my favourite part is difficult but I think it’s getting to meet and be around so many creative and inspirational people, whether they’re in the band or not. It’s very empowering and the energy has translated to other parts of my life.
If you had to choose one artist to collaborate with, who would it be & why?
Vicky: Peaches!
Hannah: Yeah Peaches, but SOPHIE would be cool.
Myself and ScallywagFox shot you with your favourite foods, can you describe these foods to us?
Ari: I love strawberries because when I am eating them I am not just eating a strawberry, I am eating happiness and a whole world of strawberry dimensions are living in my mind and I get to go to strawberry land every time I eat a strawberry.
Lucy: Blueberries are tiny bubbles of squishy deliciousness, pop them into your mouth and float away on a stormy indigo sea.
Hannah: Pineapple is sweet, sticky and silly, but it’s sharp and it will take no shit! Pineapple is the paracetamol of the fruits, it’s your medicine from heaven, it’s your tangy yellow anti-venom.
Vicky: Spicy mixups are for the confused but feisty individual, combining harmony and uniting difference into one mouthwatering sack ready to explode in your spice hole.
Tallulah: Imagine u are in a beautiful, cascading forest. Everything is luscious and green. Then u bite into a tree, the forest is made of broccoli. Yum.
What’s your advice to young girls coming to terms with the world?
Hannah: Have very firm boundaries for yourself and when you need to put a boundary in place don’t be afraid to be a ‘bossy bitch’
Tallulah: Don’t be afraid to say no, Don’t be afraid to show strength, Don’t take shit.
Ari: If something feels wrong. Don’t go along with it. Speak out.
Vicky: If you feel different don’t hide that, embrace it. Don’t feel like you have to fit a mould. Also don’t be afraid to be wrong it’s an important part of learning.
Lucy: This applies to everyone, don’t grow up too fast. Just because your mate’s who are like 5 years older than you are having all sorts of experiences doesn’t mean you have to be having them too.
Do you think the punk scene has changed since you started out?
Vicky: We’ve only been going for 2 years but I think it has changed because we changed it in a way. With the scene in Brighton there weren’t many all-female bands when we started. You get the term ‘female-fronted’ a lot which is just a bit bullshit anyway because it makes it a commodity. Girls can be in bands anyway. Since we started out there have been a lot more emerging female bands starting out, and we’re not trying to take the credit for this but I feel like we are helping pave the way for female artists.
Hannah: From when I started going to punk shows, I’ve noticed that now I’m treated a lot better at gigs – and there’s less macho bullshit. But maybe that’s just the kind of gigs I play now.
Vicky: I think we still do get our fair share of dick-ish comments. Maybe the scene is changing a lot more but I also think the world isn’t. Even the older ‘punks’ are pretty set in their ways and even though they’ve rebelled against the world they are pretty conforming to their views of what women should and shouldn’t do. Which isn’t very punk.
A portion of your audience are queer – how important is it to you as a band that your gigs feel accessible to these people?
EVERYONE: Sooooo important.
Vicky: Thee most important thing is that it is accessible to everyone, queer or not.
Tallulah: Feminism is always gonna be intersectional; If your feminism isn’t intersectional – it’s not feminism. Feminism is for everyone and as a feminist band it would be crazy for us to leave out any marginalised group.
Is there a mother hen in the band?
Hannah: Like the group mum?
Tallulah: Yeah, probably Ari because she sorts out all of the shit.
Vicky: I think Ari is the most responsible.
Lucy: She makes sure we all have water.
Vicky: Not voluntarily – it’s more like ‘Ariiiii can we get some water?’
Hannah: I’d say Dar is the mother hen of the band.
Ari: Dar is my dad, he drives us everywhere, he gets us our equipment – he just does everything.
Vicky: He’s our glue and our biggest fan! We just love him so much.
Is there a wine aunt in the band?
Vicky: Does that mean I bitch a lot?
Hannah: It means you’re the cool aunt who brings wine round and maybe vodka.
Vicky: OH! I thought you meant whiny – that’s fine then.
You have a music video in the works is that coming out soon?
Ari: It’s not done yet – we’ve been pushed back a little bit. Relatively soon, maybe by the end of August?
When are you hoping to release new music & is there an album in the works?
Vicky: God yes, we really wanna write new stuff but coordinating schedules in this group is hard.
Tallulah: We really wanna just sit down and write a fuck load of songs.
Ari: We’ve got another 7” in the making. We’ve got 3 more tracks that are ready to be mastered. So yeah, alongside the music video we have a double-sided 7”.
Where can people keep up to date on your shenanigans?
Ari: Facebook or Instagram mainly!
Lastly, as a Loverboy requirement – what is your favourite Mariah Carey song?
Ari: ‘Obsessed’!
Hannah: My favourite Mariah Carey song is My Chemical Romance’s cover of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’.
Tallulah: ‘Touch my body’.
Vicky: I literally don’t know any so I’m just gonna say a ‘Vision of Love’ ‘cos someone else said it.
Lucy: ‘Fantasy’!
Follow PUSSYLIQUOR on Facebook and Instagram.
Creative Direction & Interview: postTEENIDOL https://www.instagram.com/postteenidol/
Photographer: ScallywagFox https://www.scallywagfox.com/ http://www.instagram.com/scallywagfox