"I started an insta page a year ago called @intoblackguys to protest the racism on some of these Hot-guys-from-around-the-world pages. Instagram deleted it."
I’m a social media strategist, musician, blogger, video hoe and part-time model.
Thanks! I go through phases with my Instagram that reflect my life. Sometimes I’m really into art and all I want to do is post art pics. Other times (especially if I’ve been hitting the gym) all I want are shirtless photos of myself. I think variety is important but you have to make sure everything is being filtered through the same voice.
What’s your favourite hashtag?
#intoblackguys. I started an insta page a year ago called @intoblackguys to protest the racism on some of these Hot-guys-from-around-the-world pages. I was getting so frustrated looking at pages titled @maleperfection or @nexttopgay or even @hoscos and seeing no black representation. So, i created @intoblackguys and the hashtag #intoblackguys.
Unfortunately Instagram deleted @intoblackguys this week at 100K followers. I’m hoping I can get it back. But the hashtag has been picked up by all these other black hotties. I’m so glad to see it pushing forward.
Have ever had any pics reported for nudity?
No, I don’t get too scandalous on the Gram. Although, I do want to be more adventurous in 2016. I’m more proactive about photoshoots and getting my followers prepared to see a lot more of me.
What do you never leave the house without?
Other than the prerequisite wallet, phone and keys? I have a few crystals that I always keep on me for protection and clarity. I also like to always wear at least one piece of leather at all times.
What’s your most expensive item of clothing?
I’ve worked in the fashion industry for almost a decade now and have a lot of gifts from designers and showrooms. I definitely have some runway pieces that get up there— everyone needs a $1600 cashmere sweater or a $3000 leather weekend bag— but sadly I don’t really see price tags that often.
Who do you Instagram creep?
Boys – in no particular order
@cocajesus – my boyfriend
@jackdonoghueboy – gay hillbilly
Art Pages
@pipes.on.food – my food art page
What’s the weirdest thing you find hot in a guy?
My tastes have changed over the years. There are definitely traits that get me going more than others. Like, I used to be really into redheads and, though my bf is 6’1”, a short beefy boy still turns my head. Accents are pretty major as well.
What’s your favourite Mariah Carey song?
‘Honey’. Because it marks a time with Mariah got her first divorce from her then manager and she could finally be a hoe in her videos. Up until then she had to hide her aspirations. But when Honey came out she was in the short skirts, the crop shirts and the heels just being a THOT on a jet ski. Love that she finally got her dream.