Right now Mr. Gogo Gentleman is having a bit of a ‘London moment.’ He’s to be found on the cover of QX. He’s dancing all over London in the skimpiest of ensembles. And he’s even pruning the hedges in some of the most glamourous gardens in town. We find out more…
What is your current profession?
Landscape architect (and sometime gogo gentleman). I design and make gardens for private clients. No, they don’t know about the gogo dancing!
Have you always been a gogo dancer?
No! Only since about May last year…I sort of fell into it when I was offered a gogo gig at a local gay bar. I found it was fun and the punters seemed to like me, despite having no professional training as a dancer. I’m old enough that I don’t take it too seriously, but it’s great to get paid to go out, and I can’t deny I enjoy the attention.
What is your favourite song to dance?
I don’t really have one but some of Missy Elliot’s songs are good for some duuuurty dancing. Something slow is better to move in a way that will turn them on.
Do you get tips?
In London, not really. I’m hired by the promoter and paid a fee for the night. In the USA there’s more of a gogo dancing culture, and dancers can make a lot of money in one dollar bills tucked into their underwear. Having said that, I have got the odd fiver and once someone even stuffed £10 down my pants.
What’s your favourite outfit to perform in?
Probably a pair of vintage adidas short shorts and white briefs or a jockstrap underneath.
Can you tell us about the films you made with Antonio Da Silva?
I met Antonio through a mutual friend. I like his films because they’re sexy but the guys in them are presenting themselves – they’re subjects as well as (sex) objects. He has a clear idea of what he wants to do when he’s making a film but he allows for the unplanned. Last summer I spent a few days in Portugal with him where we made Ecosexual. It was quite an experience. I know that people have their own reasons for watching it, but I have my own very personal take on what the film is about, and that came through in the finished product, and in my voiceover.
What do you never leave the house without?
Phone, wallet, keys, notebook, pencil.
When did you last get in trouble for naked pics?
Someone reported one of my photos on IG about a month ago. I wasn’t naked but you got quite a good idea of what I’m packing.
What’s your favourite hashtag?
#gogogentleman, of course!
What’s your favourite Mariah Carey song?
I have no clue.
Photograph by Manel Ortega
Follow Gogo Gentleman on Facebook / Instagram.