Layton Williams

Until recently, London’s West End was overrun by biopic musicals and film adaptations. That was until the arrival of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, which has given the theatre world life ever since it strutted onstage in 2017. The latest star to take on the lead role is Layton Williams, whom we also loved as Kylie in BBC’s iconic Beautiful People. To celebrate his new part, Loverboy talks to Layton about teaching the elderly to tap dance, being joined in Jamie by Bianca Del Rio and how he is most definitely not playing the lead in the new Elton John biopic, Rocketman!

So, Layton, first things first. We need to discuss your shoot for Loverboy! It’s a work of art!
I had such a ball. Honestly, I think it was one of my favourite shoots ever. I was dripping in LOOKS! Graham, the stylist, was coming through! He styled me for the Olivier Awards. Everyone was truly gagged at my shoulder pads!

Overcoat & Vest by James BushWaistcoat by Malan Breton / Jeans by Rosella May
Shoes by Dr Martens / Socks by Forever 21

And now you’re starring in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. How’s it going so far?
I’m having a ball. I enjoy my job so much. It’s a great story too. It’s nice to move the audience, have them crying by the end! My heart is just filled with joy every time!

How has being in the show compared with what you were expecting?
It’s been much harder! There was a point in rehearsals where I was like, ‘Fucking hell! You lot really want a lot from me!!’ Then I had a moment where I looked in the mirror and was like, ‘Listen, bitch, pull it together.’

What’s the toughest part of the show for you?
Well, I’ve done full-on dancing onstage before, so choreography-wise, Jamie is a walk in the park! People say, ‘Yeah but how do you do it in heels?!’ I’m like, ‘Girl, you should have seen me in Rent!’
But with Jamie, the second act is probably the most gruelling – on an emotional level. You have to make it believable. Singing the song, ‘Ugly thought in an ugly world’ is never easy and my body is just shaking!

Hat by Misaharada / Suit & Vest by James BushShoes by Dr Martens
Socks by Forever 21

You’ve got some pretty major co-stars too! I know Michelle Visage was in Jamie before you started, but Roy Haylock aka Bianca Del Rio is coming to join you!
I can’t believe I missed working with Michelle. But I see her now and she’s like, ‘Hey baby, how you doing?’ But, oh my God, having Bianca come join us?! That was the face crack of the contract! I’m so excited to see what Roy brings to the role of Loco/Hugo because it’s a different vibe to Bianca. Apparently he has played Angel in Rent, so he’s walked these streets before.

And so are we seeing you as a guest judge on Drag Race UK or what?
Well, listen, ‘Call me!’ I’m like, ‘Hey, what’s good?!’ I feel like I’m being slept on! Haha! Hopefully Ru will come and see the show now that Bianca is in it.

Overcoat by Frenn / Jacket by Isbim / Trousers by Malan Breton
Vest & Beret by James Bush /  Shoes by Dr Martens / Socks by Forever 21

You’re also in the new Rocketman film, I hear!
Let me tell you about Rocketman! This is the most hysterical thing. I was just this little back-up dancer in the film, but basically I kind of opened my big mouth about it and then next thing you know I’m being tagged on social media – ‘Rocketman starring Taryn Egerton, Jamie Bell and LAYTON WILLIAMS!’ I was like, ‘Guys, don’t get it twisted, I am not out here playing Elton’s best friend!’

Will it be more popular with LGBTQ audiences than Bohemian Rhapsody?
It think it’s going to do the story justice. I mean Freddie wasn’t here to truly tell his story and Elton was very much involved. He is very proud of how it all turned out so I can’t imagine the same thing happening with Rocketman.

Overcoat by Berthold / Shirt by Malan Breton / Vest & Trousers by James Bush

Tell me about the workshop you run, Pros from the Shows!
I set up Pros from the Shows a couple of years ago now. I’ve basically been teaching since I was around 16 – I love it. I started doing workshops, then arranged a network of friends/colleagues and between us we travel around the UK to colleges, universities…the Isle of Skye(!) and I’ll be like, ‘Hey, well, if a little boy from a council estate in Manchester can do it, you can too!’ Some of my favourites are the amateur dramatic groups. They are so cute. We had some elderly ladies doing tap classes the other day!

You’ve been on the West End for a while now. How have you see what is popular change over the years?
People are taking more chances with diversity and subject matters. Now people can think, ‘We can make this character black and it’s not going to hinder a show.’

Blazer, Bib & Pocket Square by Malan BretonJacket by Ysi Ysu
Trousers by Berthold

Can you see any characteristics of previous roles you have played that you have picked up along the way?
I wouldn’t say changed me, but Jamie has made me SO northern! My accent used to be kind of wishy washy because I’ve been in London half of my life now basically. But now my accent is so strong! I can’t wait to move to America so I can be super “trans-Atlantic”, you know?!! Haha…

Is America the goal?
One hundred percent. I just want to go out there, break it and let bitches know! I want to be on Broadway but filming bits in LA. I’ve been there, I’ve seen it, I’ve tasted the water. I’m ready!

Coat & Trouers by James Bush / Rollneck by Berthold /Shoes by Dr Martens
Bowler Hat from Beyond RetroSocks by Forever 21

What about being a recording artist?
It’s so weird that you say that, because literally the other day a music producer came to see the show and asked me if I would be interested in doing a few songs! I could definitely be a pop star!! It wouldn’t be a reach! Haha…But if I was to do it, I think I would release a few bops, film a cute music video and then…do a huge stadium tour! Joking!

Speaking of stadium tours…we are named after the infamous Mariah Carey song. What is your favourite Mariah song?
They call her fans sheep, right? Lambs?!! Oh!! Haha…My favourite song I think would be ‘Touch My Body.’ It’s a jam!

You can catch Layton in Everyone’s Talking About Jamie in London’s West End now!
You can follow Layton on Instagram.

Interview Michael Turnbull
Photographer Joseph Sinclair
Stylist Graham Cruz
Stylist’s Assistant Samuel J Borg
Makeup Maria McKenna
Hair Bleach London
Thanks to Emily @ MultitudeMedia