"I don't want gender to be a part of my biological name. If I am no gender I'm every gender."
HEY GIRL, HEY!!!! Comin‘ atcha from the streets of New York City is SUSSI. This club kid is becoming an online icon having just been featured in Vanity Fair along side other kids of the night for the Barney’s New York ‘Our Town’ campaign Sussi serves extreme looks and outlandish outfits that can only be described as…well as Sussi. Loverboy’s Justin Gray got the chance to speak with this lovely queen of the clubs and find out more about the person behind the fashion.
So for those who are just getting introduced to you for the first time, can you tell us who Sussi is?
To start off, Sussi was never another character I created, Sussi is just an extension of my own soul and how I want to look and feel externally. Sussi is everything and nothing, probably more than you think but less than you expect.
What can people expect when they see Sussi at a club?
It’s my job at the club for everyone to laugh at me for how ridiculous I look, so that they can laugh at themselves. When Sussi is at the club all you can expect is a good swirl and a twirl. Giving you everything but making you come back next week to see what other shit I can glue to my head.
Every outfit you wear is so well put together and smacks you in the face with creativity, where do you find the inspiration for them?
I always like to think of my looks as small vignettes into micro components of Sussi, so if I’m in a bad mood and upset about something I want that to read on my outfit and I want everyone else around me to feel how upset I am. If I’m in a good mood, there will be glitter in the floorboards for weeks to come.
Do you feel that there is a distinction between Scott and Sussi? Or do they blend into each other?
My name is Scotty Sussman, for Sussi I just took away the ‘man’ and added an ‘i’, I felt like it was sweeter. Also I don’t want gender to be a part of my biological name. If I am no gender I’m every gender.
Is there a particular look that remains an iconic Sussi look?
It’s not the look that’s iconic it is how fabulous the night was that I wore it out.
Congrats on the Barney’s New York spread, is it surreal for you to see yourself on taxis and in the pages of Vanity Fair?
I’m very grateful. Always.
Do you perceive yourself as a drag performer? Or do you think that what do uses an aspect of drag but is something completely different?
It is drag, but it’s not modern drag culture. I don’t want to be on reality TV with tween girls clinging to my boots! Whoever is reading this get off the internet and go to the club and watch real drag queens; you will be much more impressed.
Last year you were performing at a Susanne Bartsch event, how did you get linked up with Susanne? How did it feel to be working with someone who’s an icon of the New York City event scene?
Susanne loves love and wants people to feel loved. If you are at the club for a reason beyond drinking and sex, for a bigger purpose she recognizes that and helps you grow as an artist not just a club personality. She knows how to throw a fucking great party though! Come out sometime!
What’s coming up next for you?
Whatever I want. tbh you can do anything you want you just got to try.
Which Mariah Carey song is your go to and why?
HONEY (Extended Club Mix) because YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS