"The12Project is 12 months, 12 fashion films, 12 editorials, 12 fashion designers, 12 models & 12 themes."
Hearing Hadi Moussally talk about The12Project reminds us of staring Loverboy. It’s basically an excuse to work with all your friends on some joint creative venture. People have been talking about the end of print magazines for so long that they are starting to be popular again – or so we tell ourselves. But is The12Project a new form of magazine? Is it an art project? A fashion show? All of the above? We catch up with Hadi to tell us about working with Charlie Le Mindu, Dries Van Noten, Isabel Marant and more.
What were you doing before The12Project?
I’m a filmmaker and photographer based in Paris and working worldwide. I have studied filmmaking where I have received two master degrees. Right after, I founded H7O7Films, a junior production company of films and photos producing music videos, documentaries, fashion films, corporate films. Especially The12Project where, in addition to its production, I scripted and directed the 12 Fashion Films and related 12 Editorials of 12 different Fashion Designers in 12 months.
Can you tell us more about The12Project?
Having always held an avid interest for fashion, I had an idea involving my friends whose occupations span from hairstyling and make-up to graphic design, sound engineering to even poetry! We all came together to create a project where we could all do what we loved and that was how the The12Project was born. The idea was to show fashion in a different light, we wanted to use collections to voice our thoughts on particular themes.
The12Project is 12 months, 12 fashion films, 12 editorials, 12 fashion designers, 12 models and 12 themes. Each month of the year, we produce an arthouse film that lasts for around one minute and is unique to all the other films in the project but with strong, important messages that are coherent throughout.
What have been some of the highlights so far?
The12Project has had many ups and downs and it’s a project that is made to share our point of view and to show fashion differently and with a meaning. Some of the larger obstacles we have faced, being a young project, being taken seriously in our attempt to show a different side to fashion. Our advocates today, however, have reached surprising numbers and we know with their support, we can really make an impact.
What have been some of the surprises during the project?
Each month is a new challenge. To create, to produce, to shoot, and especially to seize the ultimate beauty. For me, the biggest surprise is that The12Project is getting bigger and bigger based on the number of views, fans and followers, and affecting all kind of audience.
Which designer has been your favourite to work with so far?
I don’t have a favorite designer, each one is so unique! However, I can mention the month’s production that touched me the most (July – FALL), the theme of the time passing by and getting old, just fascinating me.
Which photographers have inspired you over the years?
David LaChapelle for his scenery work and it’s own world’s creation. Terry Richardson for capturing a precise moment of a scene.
Who remains your biggest influence?
Pedro Almodovar for his image treatment, the women’s role in the society, the Mediterranean’s mood, and the use of the colour red in his movie. Lars Van Trier too for his provocative side and always questioning society.
What does 2016 hold for you?
The 1st of March 2016, an exhibition in Paris will be held to show for the first time the film in its whole 12-minute running time. It will mark the one-year anniversary of The12Project and the 1st day of Paris Fashion Week. After that, the film will be screened in Fashion Film Festivals and experimental festivals worldwide and we are looking to make the experience both a film and exhibition. We are happy to announce that The12Project will have a second season beginning in September 2016!
Lastly, what is your favourite Mariah Carey song ?
My favorite is “All I want for Christmas” because this is the song of Mariah Carey I listen to it on repeat ritually each year from November until January.