Hunter Harden goes femme!

Now last time Loverboy hung out with Hunter Harden, he was living the American dream, swigging his Blue Ribbon while wearing just his red, white and blue tube socks. Total masc-4-masc patriotism.

What a different twelve, ok thirteen, months can make. Having spent the afternoon with photographer Thomas Evans, Hunter embraced his inner butch-queen for the ‘Femme The Man’ series.

Hunter says, “I was so honoured to participate in Thomas’ ‘Femme the Man’ series. Going through this experience was very exciting and a scary adventure. Scary in that I had to see what I looked like without a beard which has become such an icon of masculinity for men in general, as well as myself.

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

“I was afraid I would look like a man dressed as a woman and not be inspired by the transformation I have longed for since I was a little child.

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

“Growing up with four older sisters and no male role models, I was always pushed towards being the ‘man’ of the house, being the only male. I use to envy my sisters’ make-up transformations and the fun they had getting ready for dates with fun outfits and hair-dos. As the only male, I was too afraid to let myself be vulnerable around my family. I always felt pressure to be the masculine male and be strong.

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

“The transformation of ‘Femme the Man’ was the most rewarding experience I’ve gone through. I had no idea who I was looking at in the mirror after it was done. I had a sense of relief and power all at the same time. I have never seen myself in this form and I really enjoyed it!

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

“I was able to let go of the stigma of masculinity and find new power in femininity. I grew up always scared of acting like a girl.  With my voice or my body language. It put me in a bubble that society placed for me.

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

“Being in ‘Femme the Man’ helped give me strength in myself. Being able to not worry about my body language and just have fun and be playful. It was very relaxing and fun and helped me see myself differently. Even though the heels hurt my feet. Pain is beauty!”

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

Thomas goes on to say, “For a man to fit into society and be respected he has to be ‘strong’. There is an unspken message being sent to boys that being a man is about being masculine, that boys don’t cry, that boys are tough, they fight and that money and power are of the utmost importance. What does ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ mean in 2018? Is it all just an illusion? A very special thank you to Samson Smith for lending his talent to this fabulous make-up transformation.”

Hunter Harden Thomas Evans Loverboy

Follow Hunter on Instagram and Twitter.
Make up by the talented Samson Smith.
You can find out more about Thomas Evans’ ‘Femme The Man’ here.