Pray for Dolly everyone. Today she turns sixty-nine which has not been a popular age in the last week or so. But Dolly’s been through enough, we have faith.
Anyway we thought we’d pull up our five favourite Dolly tracks. Obviously we won’t include ‘I Will Always Love You’ because that would be kind of insulting. Plus we saw her once but we only made it in time for the Finale medley of ‘Here You Come Again’, ‘Islands in the Streams’ & ‘9 to 5’ and not one person was standing up. They just kind of sat there motionless. It kind of killed the vibe.
Instead here are our favourite moments.
5. ‘Jesus & Gravity’
Kind of a late addition to her cannon of work, proving she still has hits in her. We love this track. The first example that when you mix Dolly with a choir you get magic.
4. Joan Osborne ‘Do I Ever Cross Your Mind?’
We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, Joan Osborne is one of THE most underrated singers. Although we kind of love that because it means we’re in a secret club of appreciation.
3. Sneaking Around with Burt Reynolds.
OK really this isn’t so great. Ha. I mean Dolly is super cute. Burt is a sex god. And here they try and interact but the chemistry is kind of flat. In our mind we only see the potential and for that alone, we love it.
2. ‘He’s Alive’
Story Telling. Drama. A biblical tale. All with a gospel choir and an 80s aesthetic! Tens across the board.
1 ‘Jolene’
Call us basic but this will always be our favourite Dolly track.