"Georgia serenaded a tape worm she’d freshly fished out of her rectum"
Taking to the stage in a pink leotard, white PVC body harness, a tousled mess of pink hair and sparkly platform boots, Georgia. Tasda makes quite the impression. Then she opens her mouth to reveal blackened teeth and a broad Northern accent and it’s clear this is not just another run-of-the-mill RuPaul girl.
In her second fringe offering, this busy lady and career woman enlightens the packed room at CC Blooms as to how to run a successful (failing) business. The puns come thick and fast as we’re drawn into a delightfully shambolic and silly take on the world of commerce which is at turns grotesque, witty, and informative. Stand out moments include research and development for a scatological brand of protein shake that had the audience recoiling in disgust, and a surreal flight of fancy when Georgia serenaded a tape worm she’d freshly fished out of her rectum.
But, of course, no drag show would be complete without songs and here Tasda delivers live vocals and lip synchs to camp classics ranging from Cher to Adele all accompanied by
impressively energetic high kicks, power crawling, and even a daredevil roly-poly. A surprise ribbon routine positively brought the house down.
It is a skilled performer indeed who can segue from such high energy tom-foolery in one moment, to calling for the fall of capitalism the next, all with a twinkle in her eye. This is an hour from an assured performer that flew by. Add that to the fact that this award-winning queen changes her look every night and you have a winner of a show.
Review by George Hicks
Main image by Sweet P Photography
You can still catch Georgia. Tasda Means Business at Edinburgh Fringe until 23rdAugust at CC Blooms and there’s a London preview at The Glory on the 24th.