
A few years ago Fallon Gold picked up a load of zines from a fair and her life was forever altered by one in particular – Nancy by Alex Creep. Now, with the release of the eagerly awaited Nancy 2, Loverboy talks genderqueer, femme men, DIY distros and loving Babs Streisand in Yentl, with The […]

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Catherine Corsini’s Summertime (La Belle Saison) closed this year’s BFI Flare festival and Loverboy were invited to the preview. We fell deeply in love with this tale of lust, love and coming out set in France in the 1970s. With the film on general release in the UK from the 15th of this month, Fallon […]

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When Jennifer Brough spotted one of her favourite artists working on graffiti in the street she knew she had to tell her what her paintings meant to her. Jenn spoke to Anna Laurini about her work and her new exhibition in Clerkenwell. When did you first start street painting? I started about 3 years ago […]

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Ash Colin

Sometimes our favourite collaborations happen after discovering a talented artist online – such is the case of illustrator Ash Colin who drew Ariana and the Rose for our first issue. We thought it was about time we found out more from him… Who are you? I’m Ash, and I’m an attempted illustrator/portrait artist currently based […]

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La JohnJoseph is one of those queer performance creatures who defies definition and elusively shapeshifts between artistic mediums and personae entrancing all in their wake. Autobiographic theatre, an award winning novel, opera, electropop: everything that they do reeks of queer art genius and subversive beauty. With a new show, ‘GEIST’, at the Arcola next month, Loverboy’s Fallon Gold […]

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Electro-pop band POLSKY have been on the Loverboy radar for some time and we’ve been eagerly awaiting their debut album. We need wait no more.  Subtitled ‘A Manifesto For Modern Life’, POLSKY’s My Own Company is ‘a musical corporate identity for the modern day’. And one of the best albums we’ve heard in a long […]

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Loverboy loves a tribute band. The classic, the cheesy, and the subversive: they bring a very particular kitsch joy to music. When we heard that there was an upcoming London gig featuring The Misters Of Circe – in tribute to The Sisters Of Mercy – on a bill along with the gloriously named Kenickers, Loverboy’s […]

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BB Diamond Loverboy

We love a good rags to riches story – Cinderella, you shall go to that ball, hunty! And BB Diamond is offering us all that and more…ok, less so the rags part but still, starting off as a backup singer before usurping your boss and heading out on your own is pretty major. And with […]

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When Loverboy was fourteen/fifteen, we became obsessed with buying photos of celebrities, you know, promo stills or paparazzi shots. They were always advertised in the back of Sky magazine. Then we moved on to posters – filling every inch of our bedroom walls with images. Then when we were eighteen we discovered the world of […]

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