Cachorro Lozano in Madrid

Last year we spoke to artist and cat-lover, Cachorro Lozano, about his art and the secret to bushy eyebrows. You can read that here. Cachorro has been busy since then and is now ready to exhibit his latest collection in Madrid.

Entitled ‘vacaciones’ it pays tribute to ‘naked men living under and enjoying the sun in nature. Wildness and green are combined with the masculine hypersexualization, one of the artist’s most recognizable trademarks. Time stops during summer, there’s almost like an oneiric space for joy and sex, all created with the brutal and naive style of Cachorro. Bodies are mixed with flowers, plants climb over the naked torsos, keeping men fresh from summers hot days.’

Be sure to check ‘vacaciones’ out from 8pm on 24th May at Crack, Calle de Luna, 24, Madrid.