You’ve a very unique style. How would you describe it?
Thanks! That’s a hard one, I’ve definitely got a few different sides to my work, but the style that has gotten me the most attention I would maybe call, sexually charged, sci-fi, queer, gothic pop? Lol.
What or who has influenced your style?
One of my all time favourite artists & inspirations is Floria Sigismondi. I have been a fan of her work since I was a kid, she is an Italian/Canadian artist who has also directed all of my favourite music videos for everyone from Marilyn Manson & David Bowie to Christina Aguilera & Rihanna. My other main influences are horror/sci-fi/fantasy flicks and 90s cartoons as well as gay & pop culture!
Who were your first subjects?
At the beginning, I mostly used friends, ex-boyfriends & myself for reference. But my style now kinda happened more randomly. I had some T-shirt graphics I designed at the time and no models to photograph wearing them, so I decided to just draw & paint my own models wearing my merch. Once I posted them online, the models ended up getting more attention than the actual T-shirt’s! Haha…So that kinda led to me experimenting more with portraits which snowballed into just creating my own alternate versions of people all together.
Based on Loverboy’s shoot with Jake Shears
Does Astra Zero’s perspective differ to your everyday persona?
Yeah, I would definitely say there are some differences. Astra Zero is a lot more driven by the dark & sexual sides of my personality, whereas Dustin Zero is more of a happy go lucky country boy with an alternative twist.
Are you interested in representing a diverse body type? Or is there a certain body type that interests you more?
I am a big advocate for loving all body types. I have a lot of projects and portraits I’ve been working on that will show that even more! But lately I’ve definitely had a lot more commissions coming from beefy, furry guys, which has been a ton of fun to do! I kinda get into a trance drawing my own version of body hair. Haha…
How does the LGBT angle affect your work?
I feel like I started my life on social media, just trying to find other members of the community who might have the same interests as me. Even as an adult I’ve never really had that many people in my everyday life that I can really relate to. But now there is our own little online universe filled with all the other weird alternative gay kids like me. It has definitely made me feel a lot more validated as an artist knowing there are other LGBTQ peeps out there that get my style and like what I am doing.
Which has been your favourite image?
Oh man, that’s a hard one too! I would say it’s a tie between a piece I did called Nowhere. The other one is called Finally Alone (with a guy peacefully content floating in a sea of nothingness.)
Finally Alone
Who is the highest profile client that has commissioned you?
I’ve done some private & public work for some pretty cool people, but the one portrait I’ve done that has given me the most love in return was definitely for the amazingly talented SFX artist Gage Munster – see top picture. We have been in contact here and there over the last few years and he has always been such an amazing guy, so I made him a portrait as a thank you. When he shared it with his followers, I got more love and kindness from them than any celebrity I’ve ever done artwork for.
Is there any meaning behind the blue skin and halos in a lot of your more recent work?
The blue skin is more of a personal nod to my on/off again battle with depression. The halo is a symbol of a kind heart, which can kinda get overlooked for a lot of people if it’s not visually in front of you. Deep, I know. Lol.
What are you working on next?
I’ve had some fun requests to help design some merch for a few of my favourite drag queens. I’m also currently working on some music and an art book as well! So feel free to cyber stalk me to see what I’m up to. 🙂
Lastly – what is your favourite Mariah Carey song?
I don’t know her…Haha, I kid. Probably ‘Bringin’ On The Heartbreak’. That shit fucked me up the first time I heard it.
Follow Astra Zero on Instagram or see more of his work at https://astrazero.com