A Little More Personal (Raw) With…Ameriie

Loverboy has interviewed Ameriie once before, back then she wasn’t so greedy and only had one ‘i’ in her name. The part of that interview we found childishly funny was when she said ‘You know you’ve made it when you get the gay rumours.’ We then asked her if she had had them yet. The answer was ‘No.’ We were going to ask for an update this time around but her husband, PR and a studio guy were in the room so we chickened out at the last minute. Soz.

Anyway Ameriie is back and we’re looking forward to seeing her play this weekend. Here’s what she’s been up to….

What can we expect from Sunday night?
A great time!

Why come back now?
Well, it’s weird because people are like, ‘Ok so now you’re back.’ But I don’t feel like I left, it’s just that I haven’t put out anything commercially. I did put some things out on Twitter but it hasn’t been like, ‘Everybody this is THE SINGLE.’

Is your new one ‘Out Loud’ THE SINGLE?
Well, Rich and I are gonna see if we’re gonna do more. We’ve talked about it. But it’s still too early to say.

We heard rumours that ‘One Thing’ was meant for JLO. Is that true? [Loverboy meant to say ‘Crazy in Love’ but we messed up. Ooops]
No, that’s not true. Everyone’s a Sony artist so when I started working with Rich, people were like ‘Oh hey, Rich, you should work with this artist and this artist.’

We always felt like it was you and Rich mainly and Bey and JLo kind of nicked your sound a little bit.

Right ok. We feel you, girl. And why is it that there’s only room for Beyonce and Rihanna as the black females in the charts?
Well, it’s a different kind of sound. Alicia is more mellow. Mary J is more RnB/Soul. I think that’s the reason. I think there’s room for more because until Rihanna came out everyone was like, ‘Oh there’s only room for one.’ She’s proved that wrong.

Is it weird when you look at Rihanna who has all her songs written for her compared with yourself who writes your own material?
Rihanna doesn’t claim to write her own records or anything. I don’t think it’s that weird. Aaliyah didn’t write either. You can still be pop and still write. It doesn’t have to be that singer/songwriter niche. I like it when an artist writes their own records because I feel like when I want to hear what they have to say. I want to hear their perspective.

What is the weiredest thing you find attractive in a guy?
I find a guy whose teeth are not perfectly straight kinda hot.

Um ok. That’s a new one! Where are we going on a first date?
I’m so a dinner and a movie kind of person but I feel that’s not very creative. I like Italian or Sushi.

We spoke to Carmen Electra and she wanted to go to House of Horrors so she could cling on to us…
No, not for the first date because if you’re going on a first date you still don’t know if you like that person. A real peev of mine is when someone tries to hold your hand and get cuddly – that’s such a turn off. It’s such an intimate thing. Even touching someone. I’m like, ‘No, don’t try and feed me, don’t try and touch me, I don’t even know if I like you.’ Way too much.

This one is from @saintwerewolf on Twitter. What’s that one thing?
I’m keeping Mum on that one.

And this one’s from Joseph.Finn on Instagram. What’s the one thing you’re afraid to touch?
When I was young I used to play with bugs, ladybugs and snails a lot, but now I just find it very hard to do that. I used to have them as pets.

Oh you should talk to our friend Monroe! She loves her some bugs.
Oh really? Yeah, I used to let them out of a bag into the garden and be like, ‘Oh neat.’ But now I just hear horror music.

We hate picking out our housemate’s hair from the plug. So why did you decide to do books and beauty?
I can talk a little about books with my husband and he’ll listen, he’s a great sport, but I kind of wanted to talk to the people who had read the books and were into it the same way I am. Then I added beauty because I get to share in other things that I like.

I was watching it this morning and you were talking about the Mistborn series. Is this Young Fiction or something proper?
‘Proper’? What do you mean?! There’s a misconception that YA books are less literary or less important than Adult books and the thing is that YA and Adult books can both have very strong themes, like one I am about to read is about suicide – one girl wants to commit suicide and so she gets herself a suicide buddy which is something people do if they don’t want to go by themselves. There are also some great realistic fantasy, sci-fi and then there’s some fluff too. But Adult books have fluff too. I don’t like this term but there’s Chick Lit for lack of a better term.

Like Jackie Collins? Luck Bitches #FTW
I haven’t read any Jackie Collins so I cannot say.

Let’s just say you’re missing out.
Ha, ok.

What was your favourite kids’ book when you were growing up?
I really loved Amelia Bedelia, Mary Poppins, the Little House on the Prairie books but I also loved reading about witches and the occult. I read the Nostradamus prophecies, so you’d see Miss Piggle Wiggle and then Nostradamus and witches and prophecy.

What is your favourite Mariah track?
I love ‘Make It Happen’ because I remember looking out of a plane window, listening to that song a lot and was thinking, ‘Wow you can do anything you want to do,’ all those optimistic things. I was just looking down at the houses and each person has their own dream. It was a very weird and surreal moment for me.

Ameriie plays London’s Jazz Cafe on Sunday 29th March and Tuesday 31st March.