"u shoud see the pix wat i get in my instgram in box"
As a journalist, sometimes you feel like you are forever correcting people’s spelling errors, but then sometimes you learn not to be so uptight and that it’s all part of that person’s unique charm. Step forward our new Aussie royalty, Mrs Cherylyn Barnes.
We’ve been eagerly following her daily life through her Facebook and YouTube video clits, all about that cheating bitch Karen, her lovely hubbie Terry and all her chookys around the world. So we had to catch up with her and find out the full story…oh and thanks to Jacob Bozoky for this image.
First up we’re dying to know, how is ‘Trans Am’ going? One fan’s payment got denied?
year i wanted to try crowd funding becase i need to make $$ to make the film clit for my new song Trans AM but sum scum bag plege money wat he dosent evan hav!! i was so pist of becase his bean feeden me lies from the time i started doing it
What a douche. So what IS ‘Trans Am’ about?
Well its a song wat i fit a bout a bloke i met years a go @ we had a rely crazy nite @ then just my luck… his gone @ pist of. but becase its a song, i made it more of a fairy tale sort of thing. but no i got all the crowd fund wat i need so the film clit for it is gona be the best….wat i got so far
You’ve got lots of famous friends helping to spread the word. Which of your famous friends has been most helpful?
o tish has bean obsest with me for ages so shes bean helping me spred the word on vine @ twit @ all the difernt sites sort of thing. and my gorjus chooky boy Joel Creasey his a comedian from australia to @ his bean letten ppl no all about me to. And my gorjus angle boy Josh Wade also cum @ help me at the end of my crowd fund to so that was nice. His a funny fuker he is
You said you want Luke in your video clit. Who is he and how did you meet? Is Terry jealous?!
O Luke! Year his nummys isent he? he is a model but his also a rely talented hairdresser in sydney as well to. Year terry got the shits becase i used a pix of him in my wings of a angle clit and i said to terry if u wanna get the shits im gonna make him my lover in the next 1 i do! so i did. Terry thout i was joken until he saw my crowd fund vid @ then he just went quirt LMOA
OK, and now what were you doing before you made video clits?
not a lot tbh
You have a lot of chookys that follow you around the world. Are you surprised how quickly you have built a strong fan base?
not rely
Where do you most want to visit and see your fans?
i woud luv to go all over england to meet all my gorjus pommy chookys
How do you stay down to earth?
im just a normel person i try to talk to all my chookys in in box becase wats the point of any off it if i dnt even care wat they think?? all these famus singers u send them a twit but then they never twit bak??? moles!! now Iv got SOOOO much ppl wats obsest with me so i cant rely relpy to everone but i rely do try xoxoxox
Now that you’re becoming famous, are you ever tempted to find a younger, richer boyfriend?
not rely. thats a bit rude. i coud if i wanted to tho becase these young gorjus boys rely do flirt with me all the time. u shoud see the pix wat i get in my instgram in box
What was the response to your nudes?
omfg that was a accident becase the screen saver stuffed up but most ppl seem to like it sum ppl try to make me feel like shit about it stuf like this hapens to famus ppl all the time i dnt rely care sort of thing xoxox
How did you feel when Karen grabbed Terry’s dick? Will you forgive her?
at 1irst i was pist of with terry but then its not rely his folt so then i was fuming @ wanted to king hit her in the face but that woud probably make her look beter LMOA… i dunno.. i wont rely forgive her. she can get fucked.
Who is the biggest dickwit on the planet?
probably sia…. sia pfff u cnt evan fuken SIA.. LMOA
Who would you like to duet with most Kylie, Dannii or Tina Arena? (We love Chains!)
well definitely not dannii becase shes up herslef… and no one rely care about tina any more so probably kylie.
Which magazine would you most like to be on the cover of and why? What would be the concept?
i would luv to be on the cover on loverboy becase its so good. i woud make it so its difernt versions of myself. so i woud have litle cat gril cherylyn THAN i woud have angle girl, than fallen angle girl than……normel. but were all in the same pix sort of thing. but the 2 angles becase sum ppl have good… but there also got… bad sides to em to.
As a reader of Loverboy, you’ll know we ask everyone this but what is your favourite Mariah Carey song?
omfg! i rely luv lover boy becase it shoud of bean way biger but everone thinks they no it all… but… i just found out a bout another 1 wat RELY has words wat i like the meaning of….obsest…. why u so obsest with boy i wanna no lyen that ur sexing me!!! i get it
Cherylyn, you are our new Queen! You can follow Cherylyn on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.