"I'm such a cheap date! And I like a man who loves his meat!!"
Those of you that have followed our ‘Love Is…’ section may have noticed that it’s gone kinda quiet of late. We’ve been busy sending out Issue #2 to you all, arranging launch parties and getting super limited edition prints made of some of our hottest spreads (but more of that later). This week, the snow may have frozen our hearts, but there was one man who managed to thaw the frost……awwww. Meet Jayson Michaelc. We know absolutely fuck all about him except that he’s very pretty and he’s a dab hand at illustrating. So we’ll just let him tell you what you need to know.
1. What’s your favourite tattoo?
Honestly I really don’t have a favourite! They all have a certain meaning which link to one another. So I guess all them. 🙂
2. Was it a big deal when you got a tattoo on your face?
It has been more of a big deal for other people, it’s normally always the first thing people ask me when they meet me! – ‘Oh my God! Did that hurt? Why did you do that? What are you gonna do when you’re older?’ My answer is always the same, ‘Because I wanted to!’
3. We’re thinking about leaving London, where do you live?
I live back in my hometown in Kent on the south east coast. I left London after living there for over 10 years. My plan is to save money, which is sometimes impossible to do in the city, go traveling for a year and then come back….maybe?
4. Who are your style icons?
Street Culture is my icon. I love street wear clothing, mainly that L.A look. SnapBack, oversize tee, jeans and a pair of Nikes, combine that with the colour Black and that’s my look lol.
5. What do you never leave the house without?
It’s pathetic but it’s my IPhone! Sometimes living back home in the country can get a little dull compared to London so it keeps me updated with the current going ons plus I hate not being able to chat to my mates everyday and obviously post selfies!! 😉
6. What’s your most popular #?
#Tattooboy and #Inklife – which is fair to say they’re both #Cheesy lol
7. What do you do with your illustrations?
Right now they are framed up on my bedroom wall as it’s a friendly reminder that I’m actually good at something in life lol
8. What was the last picture of yours that got reported for nudity?
Some Hater reported a pic of me with my ass out on Facebook. DooshBag!! #DontHate
9. We’ll take ’em! What’s your favourite Mariah Carey song?
I generally dislike Christmas! But somehow when the original ‘All I want for christmas” by Mariah comes on! I’m like’ Fuck yer!! I love Xmas!!’ So that one.
10. Good choice. It’s our first date. Where are we going?
I’m such a cheap date! And I like a man who loves his meat!! So dude! We’re gonna grab a gourmet burger, then a beer and then we’re heading back to yours.
We thought you’d never ask. Thank you Jayson.
Jayson on Instagram: http://instagram.com/___mr_c___