"I am planning my takeover of Australia right now"
Some people are saying Nicki, Katy, J.Lo have all had the hit of the Summer. They clearly have not heard Erica Gabriel’s ‘Bye Felicia’ – we’ve been blasting it for weeks and we managed to hunt her down before we left NYC.
We kinda know this, but tell us anyway, what is ‘Bye Felicia’ about?
Well, It’s originally a phrase from the movie ‘Friday’ and for some reason it resonated with the gays. We are so trendy, LOL!
Felicia is the name you call someone who is so unimportant to you, that you cannot be bothered to remember their name. The video is a whimsical play on that idea. I spend my entire day and night running around NYC, searching for this Felicia character. Along the way, I meet random people, we kiki, tear up the clubs and in the end I realize that true to the saying, Felicia becomes irrelevant because it’s ALL ABOUT ME… and that very sexy model boy!
Who did you work on it with?
DJ Joe Gauthreaux produced the track and Mitch Amtrak did the vocals. I have known them both for many years. They put so much into the production of the music and the concept that music video idea was an organic extension of their process. They reached out to me and asked if i wanted to be the face of the video (an obvious choice, being the Felicia of NYC night life! LOL). Of course I agreed. I don’t think any of us could have predicted the success of the song on the Billboard charts. It’s just great. I am so happy to be a part of it and to work with them as well as Merrit Chase, Steven Gant , and Pattaya Hart.
Which song do you wish you had recorded?
I wish I would have recorded would be Celeda’s “The Underground”. It’s such an iconic club song and I just love it. Also, she doesn’t really sing in it and for the listeners it’s probably best I don’t sing LOL
What else do you do?
I always feel kind of silly trying to describe what I do. Don’t ask me why. Lol. I basically host and promote parties all over the US and in Europe. It’s really great because I get to travel all over the place and meet all kinds of interesting people. I am planning my take over of Australia right now as we speak. *Maniacal Laugh*
What’s your favorite outfit you’ve made for a WE party?
I love working with Brett and WE party USA. Hmmmm favorite outfit??? I guess the outfit I wore this past NYC pride for WE Part Casino. It was an all sheer mini dress. All you saw was boobs, body and puss. LOL. My tuck game was fierce that night. Everyone would just look at me and say ‘Where is it?’ I loved it. I always want a bit of shock with all my outfits for these big parties. Want to keep them wanting more….
Portrait by Bogdan Stanga