After posting a few of our internet crushes online we asked YOU to get in touch and tell us why you should be our next love affair. Jimmy Burrrrger and I began to like each other’s photos on Instagram, then we followed each other and we before we knew it we were DMing each other private pics. #Filth.
If you want to get dirrrty with us email me at Michael@loverboymagazine.com. Here’s Jimmy…..
What’s your favourite candy?
Chupa Cup lollipops. I grew up in rural Australia. As a kid, I’d do anything I could to get my hands on any Spice Girls merchandise. No matter what it might have been – magazines, posters, collectibles – I had to have it. Our tiny village supermarket had a massive tin of Chupa Chups: printed on the side, the Spice Girls posed with their favourite flavor. I think Scary Spice was ‘cola’ and Ginger Spice was ‘strawberry’. I knew I wanted that tin, and the clerk told me I could have it once all the lollipops inside it had been sold. I bought and ate Chups Chups every single day for weeks and weeks. When I eventually brought the tin home, I placed it on a high shelf with Victoria, my favourite Spice, proudly facing outward. Her flavor was ‘lemon’.
What’s your ring tone?
Normal ‘quantum bell’ ring tone for business contacts; ‘Rock the Casbah’ for everyone else.
Who is your all time crush?
Wow. It’s kind of hard to pin down an all time crush! My crushes change… well, every day. I have plenty of gym crushes – we give each other ‘the nod’ as we pass by. I guess an all time crush would have to be a celebrity, right? If that’s the case: Jean Claude Van Damme. He was incredibly fucking sexy in his heyday.
What song always gets you dancing?
It’s usually the cheesy classics that force me to move on even the most awkward of dancefloors. ‘Emotions’ by Mariah Carey, that ‘Maniac’ song from Flashdance. One song I can’t resist moving to – and cheesy by no means – is Aaliyah’s ‘Try Again’. “It’s been a long time / I shouldn’t have left you / Without a dope beat to step to”. I can’t help but grind to that song; so effortlessly sexy.
What brand/kind of underwear do you wear?
I don’t care too much about brands, so it’s jocks jocks jocks. I seem to have a lot of Safe-T-Guard jocks – they’re so basic and utilitarian. All they’re there to do is hold my junk. Function over form.
In summer, I’ve been known to wear swimwear instead of underwear. You know, for the beaches. I’ve just moved to Sydney, and the beaches here are amazing. They’re so close by to the city too, so a swim in the ocean straight after work is never out of the question.
Snog, Marry, Avoid: Donatella Versace, Anna Nicole Smith, Amanda Lepore?
Avoid Anna Nicole, because, well… she’s dead.
Marry Amanda because she’d make a party of it. And despite her glamour, you know she’d be pretty down to earth. We could eat pizza on the sofa on weeknights!
Snog Donatella because… she’s the only one left. I figure kissing her wouldn’t be so bad since it’d only last a minute.
How many dates till we get to third base?
If our chemistry is off the charts, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that we’d have zero dates. But saying that, usually it’ll take two or three dates to get to know if we’ve got a good thing going on – conversation, a common sense of humour, fun. I’ve found that sex can be a transaction, but intimacy is not something that be manufactured or forced – it either comes quick or not at all. But if your big spoon fits my little spoon, that’s a good start.