Odds are that between flicking from Facebook to Macho Moe this week, you’ll have seen the hotness that is Kenny Brain stripping down and oiling himself up live on Canadian Big Brother. So we thought we’d catch up with the original Big Brother crush, US BB contestant, Will Wikle. When we say ‘catch up’ we mean talk to him about third base, get him into his pants and let him spray whipped cream over himself. We’re smooth like that.
What’s your favourite candy and why?
Atomic Fireballs…when I was little I was the only kid on the playground who could put one on my tongue and keep it there from beginning to end. I’ve always been hood like that.
What’s your ring tone and why?
It’s been Britney ‘Gimme More’ since it was first released as a single. My favorite song of all time and forever motto for living.
Who is your all time crush (famous man) and why?
I’d want to top Joseph Gordon-Levitt and bottom for Tupac. I guess you could say I don’t really have a type.
What song always gets you dancing and why?
‘My Neck, My Back’ by Khia…in my opinion, it is both the most important gay musical moment of my generation and a brilliant instruction in coital pedagogy.
What brand/type of underwear do you wear?
Emporio Armani briefs
Snog, Marry, Avoid: Donatella Versace, Anna Nicole Smith, Amanda Lepore
Hello, you can call me Mrs. Versace. I’d say snog Amanda Lepore since her lips are rejuvenated/maintained bi weekly. Avoid ANS because I’m not trying to pull up on a corpse.
How many dates till we get to third base?
If a guy comes correct, I usually start on second so you should go into every date shooting for a home run.