Next up in our Love Is… section is London promoter and DJ Oly Innés. He’s behind Themenwhofell2earth, Blocheads, Dish, Room Service & Beast. He dreams about Beyoncé farting and has a Paris Hilton obsession, ‘I’ve had the Paris Hilton sex tape dvd stuck in my laptop for nearly 2 years, is anyone good at fixing mac laptops? I’ve been too embarrassed to take it to the mac store. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m straight.’
What’s your favourite candy?
I love fizzy cola bottles, I even bought this handsoap for the bathroom that smells of fizzy cola bottles, it’s awesome.
What’s your ring tone?
I hate the sound of telephones so mine’s always on silent.
Who is your all time crush?
I always fancied Jonathan Rhys Meyers ever since ‘Velvet Goldmine’ then I saw him in soho and he was even hotter so, yeah, him.
What song always gets you dancing and why?
‘Stars are blind’ – Paris Hilton.
What brand/type of underwear do you wear?
Marks and Spencer multipacks.
Snog, Marry, Avoid: Donatella Versace, Anna Nicole Smith, Amanda Lepore.
Snog Amanda, marry Nicole and kill Donatella. Although I’d rather not do any of those.
How many dates till we get to third base?
I think it’s actually important to sleep with people as soon as possible. You have to know what you’re getting yourself into.